Monday, December 5, 2005

Happy Holidays, New York

Holidays are joyous times. They are a time to celebrate and share good times with family and friends. Along with all that is great and beautiful, spiritual and creative in this city, I add one more new creation.

Although my words and efforts are humble I hope all who stumble upon this page will find something to make them smile, make them dream, or remember a time they had, or will have, here in old, yet forever vibrant New York. I've had a longtime adventure with this fine city, my hometown.

This blog is my chance to go public and open the doors to my city and report and share with you what I see and what I know. I hope you enjoy your visit. Stop in again.

Suzanne Barlow initiated this blog and wrote the First Post. More importantly, she expanded my world to realize the importance of blogging and encouraged and inspired me to become the newest kid on the blogosphere block. I am grateful for this and all that she has offered and shared.